Tuttle's Legendary Travels
Development Blog - All Posts in Category "Music"
Comments for Get Ready to Race
Dashe - March 3rd, 2015 - 10:32 pm UTC
Obviously the Foetus writing your music is no longer in utero and has been confirmed to be some kind of demonic presence with aspirations to be a frill-necked lizard. Keep on churning out the tunes! s-cool.gif
Dashe - March 3rd, 2015 - 10:33 pm UTC
Pff, almost forgot to wish you luck with Unity 5, too!
Oni Foetus - March 4th, 2015 - 05:22 pm UTC
@Dashe I can neither confirm nor deny the performing of a dark blood ritual by fAB and Blyka in order to call upon an eldritch horror of ancient origin that consumes pancakes for sustenance.

Unrelated: If anyone has any pancakes they aren't using, I can take them off your hands. Just saying.
Jitterz - March 13th, 2015 - 03:56 pm UTC
Hmmmm, Unity 5~ That looks fun and the music sounds great! Can't wait to hear/see more soon. s-wink.gif

@ Oni Foetus : I have some pancakes that are not being of use here. I'll send them on down the line.
StarSir - April 18th, 2015 - 11:29 am UTC
...Wow. s-bigsmile.gif I only recently learned about this project and I already want to join in on the fun, despite the fact I've never play a Legends game... (I have seen bits and pieces of Legends 1 though...) Anyhow, great job on this piece! It captures the energy of the original, yet it has something added that REALLY gives it the modern boost! I LOVE it! Keep up the great work, guys! s-wink.gif

P.S. I have a high score on Servbot Round-up! Check the Sky-Pirate Arcade and be amazed!
Loken - April 26th, 2015 - 09:16 pm UTC
Perhaps the best track yet Foetus, you damned genius. Of course it was a pretty good track to begin with. Makes me want to play Legends.
Tspherix - May 18th, 2015 - 02:09 am UTC
RACE! Sounds great - new but like the original.

Get the pancakes. Consume.

StarSir, go get some used games and PLAY THEM ASAP. 1, MATB and 2. NOW! GOOOOO!
fAB - May 19th, 2015 - 02:59 pm UTC
My collective thanks to all compliments on the original track. s-bigsmile.gif
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