Tuttle's Legendary Travels
Development Blog - All Posts in Category "Music"
Get Ready to Race
Posted by Blyka on March 3rd, 2015 - 08:55 pm UTC

Been awhile since we posted any new music tracks, so here's one from Mr. Oni Foetus's recent lot that will accompany TLT's jet skate mini-game segments!

Race Theme

It's a new take on fAB's original composition, Motorhorse Showdown. We thought it an appropriate track for these segments and it seemed to be well-received by Legends fans, so we had Oni Foetus work his magic on it and are quite pleased with the results. As always we can never sing enough praises for the quality of TLT's soundtrack; having everyone experience it in-game is a prime incentive for finishing this project. XD

Speaking of which, Unity 5 just released today! I'm not expecting it to be a magic game-changer like I wrongly assumed Mecanim would be, but it's still exciting for the engine as it looks to be a very major upgrade in pretty much everything (not to mention it sounds like some nice Pro-only features have gone free), so I'll be diving into that soon.

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