Posted by fAB on July 19th, 2013 - 10:34 pm UTC
Some of the project's more observant followers may have noticed that we listed our upcoming Sub-Gate Entrance Design Event on the Participate page a while back. Normally we don't reveal the next Event in advance like that, but in view of potential incoming Japanese traffic from MRFF exposure, we felt it prudent to let interested visitors know that another Event was on the horizon. We tentatively listed the Event as beginning July 20th, tomorrow, and we're sorry to say that things haven't worked out that way. Blyka's been out of commission with a wretched, long-lasting flu. As a result we have not been able to finalize the guidelines for the Event, let alone pass them along to HF for translation work. Again, we apologize for the unfortunate delay. That's life--the one time we actually set a public date is the one time we can't make it happen.