Tuttle's Legendary Travels
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Event #02 - Balloon Fantasy Face Winners!
Posted by Blyka on July 28th, 2012 - 06:19 pm UTC

TLT's second Event and first Mini Event ended a week ago today, and after careful review we've selected seven winning entries! Check out the full post to see what balloons you'll be faced with in the new Balloon Fantasy!

[Winning Faces]

Winner A: Kyle
Both of us liked this one right off; it manages to be creepily funny in its simplicity, and should make a great impression with a bunch of them bouncing around the room.

Winner B: Loken
We were hoping there might be a hilarious "CAN'T UNSEE" sort of submission among the entries, and this one came pretty close. Players will definitely have good incentive to clear them out quickly!

Winner C: Emeltee
This piece of hilarity was instantly striking and had us laughing out loud. It could have gone to either color really, but we felt the maniacal expression was better suited to be attacked- especially if they're bouncing around in large numbers.

Winner D: Mirak
We both liked the classic effect of this face, being the closest to the original red balloon face. Originally we chose it as one to be attacked, but decided its softer expression was better suited not to be.

Winner E: Mirak
This was a unique expression among the bunch, half looking like it expects to get hit, half looking like it's daring you to hit it.

Winner F: Dashe
This one really portrays a great expression of horror, and just screams "DON'T SHOOT ME!"

Winner G: Emeltee
Wonderful job of capturing a very fine and stuffy gent, which works great for not being attacked. The little details only added to the humor, with the missing eyebrow above the monocle and the well-shaped chin sticking out.

And that just leaves us with the question mark, to be added by fAB. You'll have to wait to see it in-game.

So, I guess that's a wrap! For the Mini Event that this was I think it was a pretty smashing success with 37 entries. A huge thanks to all participants who made it such, and congratulations to the winners!

We hope you'll look forward to and take part in the next Event, which will be one of most important Events TLT will host... and it will be starting very soon!

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