Tuttle's Legendary Travels
Development Blog - Archives
Posted by fAB on September 26th, 2013 - 05:30 pm UTC

Thank you for waiting, everyone! We had a great turnout for this Event, with 47 entries from 15 participants! At last we're ready to share the results of our judging for this Event, and what a rough time we had of it. I'm sure if I bothered to look back at our seven prior Events, there would be similar comments on how hard it is to choose from the hoards of great ideas that people send our way, but I can definitely say that this one was without a doubt the most difficult.

Sub-Gate Entrance Design

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Posted by fAB on September 21st, 2013 - 12:25 am UTC

It's been a while since anyone new joined the staff. Please welcome Vin Baratta, who's going to be helping us out with character modeling and eventual animations! He recently finished up his first assignment, the 'worker' NPC.

TLT Worker NPC

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