Posted by fAB on December 31st, 2018 - 06:48 pm UTC
Greetings, ye devoted few! As you've probably guessed by now, 2018 has been another not-so-great year for TLT. Back in May with the release of the latest demo, we announced our intent to make future updates more blog-oriented, and to make future demos more official in their content. That's still the plan, we just haven't had the time to actually make it happen. And yes, that's something we say a lot, but this time our lives were literally turned upside down. We had a 10 week stay with our poor-health grandmother and aunt during which we helped them with all kinds of things including cleaning and organizing decades of accumulated clutter throughout their entire house. At that time, I also received an offer to do some heavy commission work and that will continue to be an ongoing thing on top of everything else in my life for the next several months. Then there was naturally a lot to catch up on after returning home, and the next thing we knew it was the holidays, a hectic time of year as always. ![[Pictures of Denise Marmalade's car in Gold City]]( Early on in 2018 I hoped people would be playing around in Gold City by the end of this year. Later, my goal shrank to having all Gold City's assets completed. By the time December hit, I just wanted to have Denise and her car done. By the time December ended, I'm happy to share that Denise's car is done! Yeah, it's been like that. Maybe 2019 will be better. Keep believing!