Development Blog - Archives
Posted by Blyka on October 10th, 2016 - 03:00 pm UTC
With the release of Demo v0.1 back in 2012 we stated "new releases with additional features and polish should become more frequent", but of course that never happened in the four year gap between 0.1 and 0.2. So, we're more than happy to say we're finally making some good on that intention with the release of Demo v0.2.1! This version finds Tuttle able to attack with his standard cane-swinging moveset, and we feel it contibutes greatly towards a more polished gameplay experience.
* And beyond the temporary nature of things at this stage, a "known issue" exists in that the mouse on Windows will continue spinning the camera even when outside of the game window. This is something that Unity broke in an update since the last demo, and at this point we can only hope they'll fix it eventually. Comments (6)