Posted by fAB on January 12th, 2020 - 04:20 pm UTC
Happy new year, everyone! And happy new decade, for that matter. What can we expect for TLT in 2020? Well, Blyka and I are and will remain extremely busy this year, doing our utmost to finish, market, and release an original game. And as it turns out, working so heavily on one game means we aren't often inspired to work on a second game when spare time does come around. Who would have guessed? So, for 2020, don't expect more than the Tuttle's Legendary Trickle you've grown accustomed to. ![[ Image of Lilly Sighing ]](../pics/dev/lillySigh1.png) That said, the next demo will be a substantial step up from the last, and we'd really, really like to get it out sometime in 2020. Blyka met his end-of-2019 goals by wrapping up the programming side of things for the upcoming demo, and after much discussion and deliberation, has decided to take a breather from TLT until I can catch up. So everything hinges entirely on me and the graphical work that still needs doing. I will continue to do what I can when I can, of course, and will try to keep you all informed as I go. As always, thanks for sticking with us through these slow times.