Tuttle's Legendary Travels
Development Blog - All Posts in Category "Music"
This And That
Posted by fAB on August 14th, 2013 - 06:44 pm UTC

Got a couple of quick things for you all today. First up, we've updated Tuttle's model in the Gallery. He was the first finished model we made for the game, but truth be told we never took the time to make sure his model was "finished" to perfection because he's the main character and we knew we'd likely be making all kinds of alterations as the rest of the game progressed. Already we've made a lot of changes to the model since the beginning, and though there will be plenty more to come, we figured it'd be a good idea to go ahead and bring it up to date for now.

Secondly, and of much greater significance, we've added a new track to our music page which you may have heard if you watched our Event video the other day. This delightful tune is to be the theme for the city on Tronne Island. Sadly, no comments have been left to indicate that anyone noticed the brilliant job Mr. Foetus did of listening past all the chatter to recreate the track from this video. That's right, this music originally came from the Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype Version, when Barrett takes Aero riding around Teomo City! Don't you feel ashamed that you didn't notice sooner? Seriously though, give this awesome piece a good listen and drop a comment to let Mr. Foetus know what an amazing job he did!

Comments (7) - Category: Modeling, Media, Music