Tuttle's Legendary Travels
Development Blog - All Posts in Category "Music"
Recent Progress and Awesome Staff
Posted by Blyka on March 3rd, 2013 - 09:35 pm UTC

Looking back at the recent activity here in the Development Blog it seems it's been quite a while since we had a good, substantial post relating to progress. Naturally this wasn't as we intended (having a second demo out by now would have been preferable), but sadly our lives have just been too busy this year for substantial TLT time. That's not to say we haven't been giving it attention, however; we always squeeze in what we can, when we can. In addition to our standard priorities, much our time continues to go into staff correspondence, Event planning and running, and so on. Lately we've also been doing a fair amount of design work on important characters and locations, some of which will hopefully find its way into models soon.

I would give the usual jabber about us really getting on the ball soon, but you've all heard that one before and the fact is we really don't have enough control over our schedule at present to follow through with that promise. Rest assured though, TLT is always on our minds and we will continue to do what we can as time allows- and hopefully time will allow us some better TLT work soon. smiley

Anyway, while work on our end has been unfortunately slow, our staff has really been pumping out some awesome works- not to mention a new concept artist has joined our ranks! Read on to see what they've been up to.

First of all, a warm welcome to our new concept artist, Kristie "Jitter" Kaiser! For a start she's been tasked with sketching up environment artwork, from buildings to island landscape concepts and so on. She's only been on the project for a very short time, but has already come up with a few impressive pieces:

[img] [img] [img]

In the way of music, Mr. Foetus continues to churn out wonderful compositions, though most of them are being kept under wraps for the time being. We decided to share one new piece with this update, however: a boss battle theme for one of the winning reaverbot entries, Topporouletto!


Joshmnky has also been hard at work with some great NPC models, and has also been texturing the models as he goes:

[NPC Models]

It's been awhile since I tweeted about sending tasks to our prospective programmers. While this has naturally gone slow with everything else, I have been sending out some assignments as time allows so the ball is finally rolling on that front, and I intend to send out more work to others soon.

Finally, HF did a great job on getting us Japanese translations of the rules for Event #06 in time for the Event, but sadly we failed to get any takers. We're guessing this is mostly due to our inability to really spread word of this project to the Japanese audience, though having more of our website available in Japanese would no doubt be a great asset to catching their attention. Remember, if there's anyone out there with Japanese skills that would like to assist the project with either of these tasks, we'd love to hear from you!

And I guess that's a wrap for this post. Our sincere thanks for everyone's continued support of the project, even in its slower times! We plan to get on judging the Museum Exhibits Event within the next few days, so come back and see us again!

Comments (12) - Category: General, Modeling, Media, Music