Tuttle's Legendary Travels
Development Blog
Comments for Long Road to the Zephyr
General Specific - May 9th, 2012 - 09:29 pm UTC
Looking good. Is this just supposed to be a general-use scouter, or is it custom-built for whoever might want to acquire it?
fAB - May 9th, 2012 - 11:30 pm UTC
Thanks! If I'm understanding your question right, it's part of the pirates' own fleet, sort of like their Drache equivalent only not designed for fighting.
General Specific - May 10th, 2012 - 12:58 am UTC
Makes me wonder what their combat-ready Drache-expy might be like!
LegendaryQ - May 10th, 2012 - 02:22 am UTC
So we'll potentially be seeing a lot of different configurations of these new ships?
fAB - May 10th, 2012 - 03:47 am UTC
It's not a major part of the game or anything but yes, the potential is there. Just like the Bonnes have a Drache equipped with a giant magnet for picking up Bon, so can the Zephyrs make themselves useful in different situations.
General Specific - May 10th, 2012 - 05:00 am UTC
Will there be an Aeolus, perhaps? I like the naming scheme and I hope it stays, anyway. Greek mythological names would be interesting, overall.
Loken - May 11th, 2012 - 01:01 am UTC
I really like the design. Making it more blocky was a great choice. Also the shark teeth!
fAB - May 11th, 2012 - 01:41 am UTC
Thanks Loken! The sleek design of old was not chosen without reason, but that was Halcyon Days and this is TLT. Legends style appearance is more important in the end.
More on pirate ship names later.
Hikari - May 18th, 2012 - 04:49 pm UTC
Hello. Just found out about this site.
Everything looks very nice! The artwork has that Legends feel to it, and the 3D models are all very well done.
Looking forward to more updates. Oh, and. . . hope to be of some help too!
Mirak - May 29th, 2012 - 03:29 am UTC
I love the retro, lego-like vibe it sends off, definitely fits with the universe as a whole, excellent job guys.
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