Tuttle's Legendary Travels
Development Blog - All Posts in Category "Modeling"
Comments for Let's Meet the Squall
Zaiy - November 28th, 2012 - 10:30 pm EST
Awesome!! This looks really good! Also, is there like a half dragon half pirhanna theme with the strum ships?!?
fAB - November 28th, 2012 - 11:44 pm EST
Thanks Zaiy! The ships are supposed to have a somewhat vicious animal feel to their designs, though not necessarily based on any animal(s) in particular. The Zephyr definitely ended up having a piranha look, though I was actually thinking more of shark teeth during its creation.
Hikari - November 29th, 2012 - 06:42 am EST
Hi. Must compliment your work again.
It's a very well thought out design. It's original and pleasing to the eye.
Are all the design choices handled by the two of you (fAB and Blyka)?
I really like this one!
fAB - November 29th, 2012 - 09:50 am EST
Thanks very much, Hikari!
In the case of these ships, yeah it's been me sketching up my vision, tinkering with it and then consulting Blyka on what he thinks and which variation looks most appropriate and Legendsy.
Zaiy - November 29th, 2012 - 11:13 am EST
If you guys are into appropriating ideas, I personally think the Bismarck bonne design can be made into a great sturm boss ship.
Since I'm taking my time to comment again, how do you plan for Tuttle to battle airships? Is it a secret or will he just have to survive?
Nathan - November 29th, 2012 - 12:55 pm EST
Is it just me, or does this ship's design draw heavily from the Flutter? Kinda looks like what the Flutter would be if Tron got her hands on it or something. s-tongue.gif
Dashe - November 29th, 2012 - 02:22 pm EST
I'm getting a narwahl/piranha hybrid feel from these guys. It's that spike. It makes me want to pick one up and fling it at something like a dart.
fAB - December 1st, 2012 - 12:50 pm EST
Secret. o.o! As for the Bismarck, I think it would take a fair bit of revision to make it into an air ship. Perhaps it would be better used in an upcoming mecha Event, if the creator so desires.

Is that such a bad thing in a game where the Flutter doesn't appear? s-tongue.gif There are only so many Legends air ship designs to draw inspiration from, after all.

The narwhal did indeed enter my mind as I added the spike. Careful you don't put someone's eye out.
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