Tuttle's Legendary Travels
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Comments for Event #04 Winners - Stand-out Citizens!
Zaiy - November 11th, 2012 - 04:33 am UTC
I wonder if old man rocco and my teen dude are related?

Next time on T...L....T!!!! *duh nuhn*
Dragge - November 11th, 2012 - 06:30 am UTC
Sweet! Well at least one of my characters made it in! Thanks guys!
sjbdg24 - November 11th, 2012 - 07:46 am UTC
Are you guys thinking of doing individual character models for each one, or are you going to just have similar models but recolored?
Hikari - November 11th, 2012 - 01:44 pm UTC
And here I thought I'd have all 12 selected. . .
Just kidding.

It's the first time I participated, so it was really exciting to see the results. I sure am glad I didn't embarrass myself completely with this one!

On a side note, I remember you mention that you weren't especially fond of what CAPCOM was selecting during the development of Legends 3, so I've been wondering ever since. . . Is there any chance you could tell me what it is you found uninteresting?

Of course, wouldn't want to distract too much from the work, so. . .
I'm including e-mail, just-in-case :)
Blyka - November 11th, 2012 - 05:35 pm UTC
Heh, I suppose they do both show up in strange places.

No, thank you! It was a great entry. :)

We're aiming for something in between, where for example we may have two or three different models of a character type, but we will also be using recolors to expand that population.

Congrats for submitting a winner on your first Event! Hope to see more from you in upcoming Events. s-smiley.gif
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