Today marks five years since TLT officially launched, and with it comes Demo v0.2.3! Averaging a demo a year doesn't sound too bad now... Never mind how early the project still is after half a decade. Progress has certainly picked up from the couple years that I was practically on an unofficial hiatus, so hopefully we can keep the pace until TLT delivers a fuller experience.
As for what's new this time around, there's quite a collection of things building towards a more solid experience:
Introducing the Pause Menu! This includes the new zenny and playtime readouts, as well as a working Options tab (presently mouse only).
A small ruin expansion features new inner-ruin doors and a new Reaverbot, Amistal!
Amistal also brings the big multi-explosion, and advancements made to the core enemy engine.
Tuttle's cane combo can be started from running or airborne attacks, making for much smoother attacking!
Sound effects are now in 3D space, and audio has been implemented to allow volume tweaking in the Options.
Screen resolution system is vastly improved, and with it comes new resolution options and better mouse functionality when letterboxed.
Camera wall clipping system was improved, allowing you to see better in the ruins.
Improved facial expression system has Tuttle blinking.
Polished up Tuttle's cane swipe effect.
Green harbor crate joins the others in the main area.