Tuttle's Legendary Travels
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The Monthly Tuttle: January 2019 Edition
Posted by Blyka on January 31st, 2019 - 09:50 pm UTC

With the release of our latest demo we announced the cancellation of #TLTuesday in the hopes to "work on the project less often but in stronger, more productive bursts", and this blog would then "reclaim focus with more fleshed out write-ups and progress summaries".

As you might assume, I haven't followed through on the latter because I've yet to really follow through on the former.

With no weekly commitment to keep, "as time allows" can be a dangerous schedule. Post-#TLTuesday my new minimum goal was to achieve a "stronger, more productive burst" of progress at least once a month. It could be a full day's inspired work or it could be spread across weeks, but either way I wanted to have something tangible and substantial to blog about on a monthly basis.

Intentions to put this into effect last year fell through, so what better time to start anew than a new year? Unfortunately, January was pretty bleak for me and did nothing to assist my endeavors. So here we are at the last minute with nothing more than The Monthly Tuttle (because pretentious names are fun) to round up what's happening.

It's not complete, but I have been working hard on customizable input. A seemingly simple concept on the surface, this has been a veritable nightmare of considerations and complexities and has eaten away much time over the past week and a half with more work to go. But it is getting there, so here's hoping I'll have that and more to talk about next month.

Aside from that, fAB's been hard at work in Gold City, fleshing out details both visual and technical, and just today we got it all inserted into the project. Gold City is almost there as well.

And there you have it. Not the most exciting way to kick off the monthly minimum, but it is something. And something is better than the last half-year's mostly-nothing.

Comments (2) - Category: General, Modeling, Programming