Tuttle's Legendary Travels
Development Blog - All Posts in Category "Music"
Posted by Blyka on October 1st, 2012 - 04:45 pm UTC

As promised here's an enlightening article from Mr. Foetus on his music making process- thanks, Mr. Foetus!

Read more to see what he has to say on the subject!

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Posted by Blyka on September 26th, 2012 - 05:03 pm UTC

TLT's talented music composers have been busy cooking up more pieces of what's turning out to be quite an epic soundtrack. We don't plan on releasing every new track on the site as it's made, but we've added a couple of the latest to the Music Tracks page for your listening pleasure!

From Mr. Foetus we have Air Pirates Advance, to be used in the pre-title cut scene (rough idea shown in the beginning of this video). He took what I always considered a fairly dull track and packed in some serious awesome, making for an epic track filled with atmosphere.

From Karimn D.K.I. we have Someplace Classy, to be used for localities like the museum, library and so on. This is a brilliant new arrangement of an old classic that he nailed for us on his first take- see if you can recognize it!

On a side note, Mr. Foetus was also kind enough to send in a great article on his music process like Karimn's recent post, which we'll be putting up in the near future.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy these new tracks and look forward to more from these guys; I know I am.

Posted by Blyka on September 21st, 2012 - 03:53 pm UTC

Some time ago we got a comment expressing interest in a post on the music making process of TLT's composers. It slipped through without a response (sorry!), but we did of course see it and agreed it was a great idea for the Development Blog. Of course, such an article is subject to the time and interest of the individual composer, so I'm pleased to say that Karimn D.K.I. has obliged us with an article on his process- thanks, Karimn!

Read more to see what he has to say!

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Posted by Blyka on August 7th, 2012 - 12:01 am UTC

We're pleased to announce that two new individuals have shown they're more than able to deliver quality content to Tuttle's Legendary Travels, and have officially joined the TLT staff!

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