Tuttle's Legendary Travels
Development Blog
Comments for TLT Turns Six
Tempy111 - May 6th, 2018 - 12:15 pm UTC
Looking like it's going great. I don't use Twitter so I don't post on it, and you put more development information onto Twitter then this place so I don't comment as much as I would like to, but if people are that stupid as to not care about helping a project and how it's going, there problem. shame you feel you have to stop but oh well.
fAB - May 6th, 2018 - 02:40 pm UTC
Thanks for your comment. Glad you're liking the look of things! s-smiley.gif
Just to be clear, it's only the Tuesday routine that's coming to an end. TLT itself is still alive, and we'll be having more posts here as part of our focus shift.
Tempy111 - May 6th, 2018 - 04:29 pm UTC
I kinda hopped more posts via here ^_^

Oh, a couple of comments more to think about.. Any plans to convert the menus to run via keyboard commands and not just mouse? I know the keyboard can control the mouse pointer, but just wondering. I kinda prefer being purely keyboard controlled and cause the mouse is a camera control (for me I just gets in the way and leads the camera to keep spinning around and around) then it can slighty get annoyed.. I know this are kinda things that might be tweaked as things go, but I was just wondering ^_^
fAB - May 6th, 2018 - 07:18 pm UTC
We've done our best to accommodate various control preferences. The game can be played purely with the keyboard and the mouse camera turned off, but the menus still need to be able to work with either. In any case, it's a complex set of controls and using a gamepad is definitely recommended.
Dashe - May 6th, 2018 - 11:13 pm UTC
Oh, good, you remembered this year! s-tongue.gif It's a weird coincidence TLT would get dropped on a day I didn't even find significant at all until Kyle pointed it out.

Anyway, now that the Splash Mine exists, I can actually beat the Amistal. Those drones do an insane amount of damage for a horde that just respawns until you kill the source. I could see taking a fifth for accidentally touching the transmitter, but a fifth for one drone is harsh. Inversely, you've been very generous with the Splash Mine ammo. It would be a little more satisfying to decrease the number of mines by about half. I suck and I had way more than enough ammo even after setting off at least ten by accident and spamming the Amistal generator with them, but it's definitely preferable to the opposite problem from a player perspective.

Miroc's really hard to hit, especially in narrow halls where I'm just whacking walls instead. Maybe it needs a bigger hitbox? Maybe I just suck. The world may never truly know.

I was able to snag the contents of the two chests, 30 additional zenny, and the Nice Propeller. If that's all you hid, cool.

Regarding the control mapping, I had to disable analog controls entirely and remap WASD to the D-Pad on my PS2 controller, mostly because of the camera, which seemed to be tied to Tuttle's analog motion rather than independently tied to the second analog stick. The second analog stick mapped the camera controls sideways, where left to right controls the zoom and up to down controls the angle, which was awkward. Looks like Windows 10 updated to support a Playstation controller. It may not be parsing the controller correctly, though, because I did have to remap it with JoyToKey to get it functioning playably.

Yay for dialogue and facial animations! I'm disappointed you never made a step to reach that one Sturmbot wandering up on the bluff, though. What a tease.

Surprisingly, the highlight of the demo for me was the menu system. Being able to see the normal items too actually made me really happy for reasons I can't seem to put into words right now. I don't use Twitter, either, so the intention of shifting priority back to the blog is kind of a relief. It's the one social media app I could never really take to. That just means you're going to have to make substantial updates more than once a year, or we'll all start thinking you've been hit by a bus.

I'm looking forward to the actual story starting up, so get to it!
fAB - May 7th, 2018 - 11:33 pm UTC
To my mind, it makes more sense for the Amistal drones to deal more damage than the core, seeing as they're the ones that violently explode. Fighting them and the Mirocs (without the mines) is mostly a matter of timing. And the amount of mines was decided with the idea of more extensive ruins in mind, so naturally there are more than enough mines for this little demo area. These difficulty balance issues are things we never really thought much about since these demos were only meant to be semi-polished functionality showcases, though in hindsight we probably should have focused more on crafting a rewarding player experience. Live and learn.

Thanks for the controller info. We'd hoped to find time before the release to get some testers with a variety of gamepads to give us feedback, but as it turned out we barely made the anniversary deadline.

Glad the menu's a hit. No, really, it's amazing how much thought and work has to go into something that seems so simple. And it sounds like you only missed one more zenny hole.

We know not everyone uses Twitter, but it still surprises us how many people mistake the project for inactive when there's a very active Twitter feed embedded right there in the blog they're supposedly checking. But anyway, yes, there will definitely be more blog action in the days to come. I think we're shifting into what will be a much more exciting era for the project.
LaytonPuzzle27 - May 9th, 2018 - 05:01 am UTC
Speaking of Ryship Island and Gold City. I have been working on a fan-made story-line based off of the Rockman 5 Island Adventure and Ryship Island is the main hub island. I'm hoping that my story-line will be used in video game one day either fan-made video game or official. If your you guys are interested in it i'll be more than happily to email it to you guys. s-smiley.gif
fAB - May 9th, 2018 - 02:02 pm UTC
We've been at TLT six years with a looong way yet to go. Safe to say that when it's done, the thing we'll want to do least in the entire world is work on another Legends fan game. s-argh.png
Best of luck fulfilling your hopes though!
Zaiy - July 11th, 2018 - 08:10 pm UTC
Hot stuff. Keep it up! And yay for expanding yo game design knowledge.
Tempy111 - August 2nd, 2018 - 04:39 pm UTC
Good news about Gold city ^_^
eric - March 17th, 2019 - 07:57 pm UTC
Hope things are still going strong! Can't wait to see what's next!
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