Tuttle's Legendary Travels
Development Blog - All Posts in Category "Music"
Comments for This And That
Dashe - August 14th, 2013 - 07:48 pm UTC
Well, there goes my massive textwall about how I'd notice smaller updates if you blogged them as they happened, no matter how small. I wish the reset button weren't so close to the submit button. Why do you have a reset button, anyway? Have keyboards stopped coming with backspace or something?

Great stuff, Foetus! Keep it up!

Zaiy - August 14th, 2013 - 09:43 pm UTC
awesome shit, a cant wait to see him smacking peeps with that baby. also, the music <3 uggghhh. better and better.
Skybane_Zero - August 14th, 2013 - 11:18 pm UTC
Rockin' job on the new track, Mr. Foetus! Ah man... listening to that music just brings back a ton of wonderful memories to my mind!

Tuttle's character model is also vastly improved in my opinion, as well (I thought his old character model looked kinda stiff). I can tell already that I'm gonna have a blast playing as him. lol
Loken - August 15th, 2013 - 08:31 pm UTC
At the moment I'm using my moms computer and the model gallery won't work so I'll have to wait and see Tuttle, but I'm listening to Tronne on repeat and it's a great city exploring tune! Reminds me of the hopefulness of those old days.
Mr. Foetus - August 16th, 2013 - 09:05 pm UTC
Thanks so much, guys! I ended up getting angry with the people in the video for talking at the worst possible moments, hahah. But it looks like it worked out. XD

I shall check out the model when I'm using a device that allows flash; my computer's life is currently being threatened by lightning.
Servbot 42 - August 28th, 2013 - 06:37 am UTC
I truly respect and enjoy what you are doing here. Please keep up the excellent work. I want need to play this game.
quizzy james - September 18th, 2013 - 07:59 am UTC
Im glad to see this working out really...I know im going the love this game real talk! I appreciate s-smiley.gif all the hardwork yall put in also I think you need more s-tongue.gif development blogs
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