Tuttle's Legendary Travels
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Comments for Another Look at the Quint Islands
Pigbot - August 10th, 2013 - 09:16 pm UTC
Ooooh guys!! all that concept art makes me happy s-squint.gif
Zaiy - August 10th, 2013 - 11:36 pm UTC
I'm so excited!
Sandwichman15 - August 11th, 2013 - 11:25 pm UTC
The fact that this looks very fitting in context to the other games' art and style makes me so much more happy that this game is being done.
Dragge - August 12th, 2013 - 03:47 pm UTC
The art work for this is really good! Malt Island looks like it'll be the central hub(beginning) of the story and will be a go to place (I could be wrong but it feels that way). The city on Tronne Island looks really spectacular. The over head made it look much smaller but seeing it that way has drawn me in and I can't wait to run around! Dashe Island looks like a cool little place and I love that little home with the boat dock. I honestly can't say too much about Chizz Island at the time. My favorite has to be Buscan Island. The homes really send off an Old City feel in my opinion and something about it being much smaller and giving off an empty sense really draws me into this one. The artwork of the islands was great and I'm looking forward to the upcoming event!
Loken - August 12th, 2013 - 04:47 pm UTC
The islands are all coming together very well. Not only are they nicely varied but they seem very unique. They arn't bland or generic video game islands, they are places you want to explore and learn about. I think the landmarks that you guys chose have really shaped the islands into exciting, mysterious places.
Blyka - August 14th, 2013 - 01:01 am UTC

Thanks, glad to hear it! s-bigsmile.gif

Thanks for your feedback! Malt is indeed the central hub of the story, and will probably end up housing most of the excitement.
I quite agree that Tronne should be a spectacular place to visit. I'm definitely excited to see its city take shape, as I think it will end up having a really unique atmosphere.
And indeed, not much to say about Chizz Island right now; to be honest we're still having a hard time nailing down what exactly we want there. It needs to be desert themed while not falling into the usual desert cliches if possible, so yeah... definitely still some thinking to be done on that one.

Thanks! Yeah, we definitely want each island to be as unique as possible while fitting snugly into the Legends world. Hopefully in the end they'll be even cooler than the concept art currently suggests. s-cool.gif
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