Zaiy - March 3rd, 2013 - 10:07 pm UTC
The models are looking nifty but DAT THEME; love it... Keep up the good work.
Dashe - March 4th, 2013 - 02:53 am UTC
Tronne has a golf course? I smell a golfing minigame all the way from here.
...Is the hospital supposed to be on Malt or Tronne? I guess it goes with wherever that wall with the gears is supposed to be. Those two are the hardest for me to tell apart right now aside from an average income disparity, and Malt having a museum.
That song reminds me of the Karumuna Bash fight in Clozer Ruins. I like it.
Dragge - March 4th, 2013 - 05:37 am UTC
The artwork is absolutely amazing but as stated above, that music. That so fits the reaverbot! The little bits here and there feel somewhat aquatic and it sorta fits the frogish look of it. Can't wait to see more stuff down the road, including the winners of the previous event! Keep up the work everyone!
axel - March 4th, 2013 - 11:31 am UTC
Hey, I'm actually flattered that my entry got such an awesome piece, but I guess it IS foetus. The artwork 'so pretty cool, and the models are pretty darn good too. I expect great things from you, tlt team.
Loken - March 4th, 2013 - 07:01 pm UTC
That concept art is slick. I really like the rustic and patchwork look of the hospital, and Tronne looks like a blast to explore. Topporouletto's theme is absolutely perfect for that boss. It's very chaotic and strange and it goes well with all it's weird twitching arms and legs. Keep up the good work boys and girls! Can't wait for the event results!
Hikari - March 5th, 2013 - 03:26 pm UTC
The new concept art is fantastic! It's very imaginative, and I really want to go and explore :) Also, the Reaverbot battle theme is great, too. It feels "unstable" somehow, which compliments the boss' look very nicely.
Thinking about what you've revealed so far. . . It's already so powerful that it rivals most of the "official stuff" available on the market, and you keep improving it! It certainly shows that you love what you do.
Really wish I could do more for the project, but all I can do right now is to keep saying cheerful things in the background. Not that I'm super confident, but I hope I can be of some help, when the voice acting takes priority.
Blyka - March 5th, 2013 - 05:03 pm UTC
Thanks for the comments, everyone! Hope the staff is reading all of this positive feedback. :) @DasheTronne's description from the "Island Landmark Design" post on May 25th, 2012: Quote:"The second largest island has a bit of a resort town feeling with fancier homes and lush scenery including a golf course" You of all people should have known that!  The hospital is on Malt Island, which is also where the gear gates are. Interesting coincidence as I don't think that was intentional. And yeah, Malt and Tronne are definitely the most similar islands, but hopefully more concept artwork of this nature will help make their individualities more apparent. @HikariThank you! Saying cheerful things in the background is a fine way to support the project, as we say on the Participate page " Feedback is an important aspect of any project, and active interest and excitement from the community can only help to make us all the more enthusiastic toward our work" Hope you continue to enjoy what comes! 
Dashe - March 5th, 2013 - 09:36 pm UTC
Okay, that's it. I'm taking very detailed notes on this stuff from here on a real notebook this time!
axel - March 5th, 2013 - 10:16 pm UTC
something funny i remembered, topporoulleto wasn't even supposed to be his name, i just gave it as a place-holder and ended up forgetting to change it.
joshmnky - March 5th, 2013 - 10:49 pm UTC
@axel Where do you come up with a name like that? I'm the kind of person to name my dog "Dog." It may have been a placeholder, but so was the soundtrack for 2001: A Space Odyssey, and look how that turned out.
axel - March 6th, 2013 - 12:17 am UTC
@joshmnky toppo as in to and roulleto as in roullete. based on his attacks.
Conrad500 - March 7th, 2013 - 04:58 am UTC
Jitter is awesome!