Eris - January 9th, 2013 - 02:22 am UTC
Yessss feed my need for more Sirocco stuff.
They sound so great aaa. I'm glad characters are getting their own themes alongside what I'm assuming is going to be the main Sturmforce theme.
These ruin sketches are great too. I'm hoping these catwalk sort of platforms get incorporated into the game in some form. It's a really neat aesthetic for a Legends dungeon.
Dragge - January 9th, 2013 - 04:50 am UTC
I agree with the catwalk platforms, we could use something different in the way of Legends ruins. The music pieces are really nice too, the Sleepy Dashe Town is probably my current favorite just because it's a rearrangement of the last little bit of music from MML2. Just calming.
Dashe - January 9th, 2013 - 05:03 am UTC
I made the mistake of clicking Sirocco's theme while my computer was at full volume.
Ow. Just...ow.
Nice stuff, Foetus. I might say something more coherent about it once my ears stop ringing.
Loken - January 9th, 2013 - 06:26 am UTC
Great stuff! The ruin sketches look fantastic, original, and very much Legends. If they come out looking that fine this game will probably have more interesting ruins then the originals! Of course they'll have to be filled with awesome-scary reavers and cool old junk!
I really like both of the new songs. Sirocco's theme sounds dramatic and manly! The horns in the song make it sound romantic and Latin, and honestly makes me alot more excited about the character! I think the word is 'swashbuckling'. Was the Spanish (possibly mediterrinian because of his namesake?) sound intentional?
Also Sleepy Dashe Town is quite relaxing and looking forward to hearing it while I explore the area!
Mr. Foetus - January 9th, 2013 - 06:05 pm UTC
Thanks, guys!  @Loken: Sirocco's a girl, actually! But, personally, I do think the best characters aren't defined by gender, and I definitely tried for a "barrage of assault" vibe. As for the Latin feel, that was just a little something I threw in to add to the song's style. Militaristic and calculating, but still with a bit of romantic, pirate flare. Nothing really to do with her character, just a little extra something. I didn't think the Latin feel was a very large addition to the song, though, more just a slight undertone. Otherwise I would have added maracas and flamenco guitar. XD
Loken - January 9th, 2013 - 09:11 pm UTC
Ah yeah, Nodin is the dude isn't he?  I love the subtle Latin feel to it! It probably wouldn't be as good if you went all out Latin! Even if Sirocco's not a guy the masculinity of the song still works fine, even better perhaps. It sounds like a perfect match when you look at Eris' fanart of her. The tomboyish vibe you know, she looks like a tough chick.
Hikari - January 10th, 2013 - 04:46 pm UTC
Those are some very nice ideas for the ruins. There definitely needs to be more variety to those places. As for the music, it's wonderful. When I first heard the Malt Sub-Gate theme (used in the last video update), it immediately felt right. It's amazing just how much high quality content this game has already.
If it's OK, I have a question. Out of the three games in the series, which one do you think has the most interesting music? Just wondering whether you're aiming for a more comical Misadventures feel or, perhaps. . . not aiming for it :)
Mr. Foetus - January 14th, 2013 - 11:10 pm UTC
@Hikari: If that question is directed towards me: Honestly, I love all of the music equally. I can point out songs from every game and put them on a pedestal. For TLT, I don't really get inspiration from one game's music, but all of them together. For instance, for Invading Forces, I drew inspiration from both MML1 and MML2 at the same time. And the tune in Sleepy Dashe Town is from MML2, but I tried to give it more of a MML1 spin.
TL;DR: If you're making a hamburger, and there are three similar burgers that came before it, you need to find the qualities of the previous burgers that caught your eye and implement them into the new burger.